Advance Map 1.95 Download

Author of AdvanceMap

Advance Map 1.95

Advance map 1.95 download zipMap
Seen January 30th, 2014

Download Gameboy Advance Map Editor for free. GBA Map Editor written in C using GTK to interpret GBA tile/palette data to allow a graphical method of creating large maps for GBA games. PRELIMINARY UPLOAD: This file was mass-uploaded from the archives of the FLEMISHDOG youtube channel. Metadata is currently being re-added.

Advance Map Download

Hi everybody
It's finally here, AdvanceMap 1.90!
New features:
- The data (NOT the picture) of the world map can be changed! -> Thanks to Mastermind_X for the Worldmap ASM Tutorial
- The 'black map' bug is now completely fixed.
- You can now change the palette data of blocks in the Block editor.
- AdvanceMap is now available in Japanese and other new languages.
All adjustments:
New functions:
- Worldmap data is now changeable.
- Border block in FR/LG allows to be adjusted now. (ProHeader view)
- Create desktop shortcut
- A shortcut to the last opened ROM can be created in the AdvanceMap folder.
- See your last used ROMs in the File menu (Amount can be adjusted in the Settings.)
- When changing the map size, a check will be run to prevent overwriting.
- Added a context menu entry to open a ROM directly with AdvanceMap. (Adjustable under Settings)
- Several changes in the Block editor
--- When saving the Tileset toa file, it will automatically aborted when two identical colours are found.
--- Tilesets are compressed and saved in the ROM
--- Palettes can now be edited in the Block editor
----- Color Picker is available
--- AnzahlBlocks has been corrected
- GrossBlock extended and fixed, also available for BlockPalette
- ROM infos are available in the bottom left corner
- The feature 'Automatic Offset search' is now activated by default, can be adjusted under Settings.
- Scripts can be opened with an external Script Editor.
--- Editor can be defined under Settings
- Events can be deleted one by one.
- Japanese language is available
- On double-click, Map (Warp) or Script (Signpost, People) will be opened.
- The Signpost Event has been extended, every possibilities the game offers are available.
- ROM will now be opened ina way that allows other programs to access it while it is loaded with AM.
- Map scripts can now be changed in the Header View.
- List of Behaviour data has been extended. (Thanks to Tutti)
- The readme file has been extended with hotkey descriptions
- In the professional header view text fields for map script offset and connection offset have been added
Fixed bugs:
- You can now change the Border block in the Header View by Hand (Copy & Paste)
- A tile is no longer drawn over the Block when selected in the Block editor.
- Several small corrections in the Block editor
- if a Map has 2 flight positions, both will be shown
- Several adjustments to the 'Insert map' function
- The 'Black screen when entering a map' error has been fixed.
Download AM 1.90
The link has been adjusted as well.
Mastermind_X for the Tutorial and the help.
Tutti, Mastermind_X, dark01 and Scizz for the Beta tests.
Tauwasser, Scizz, Satry, Ashly138, Anthony, wakachamo, HackMew, Christos, MartinĀ², Sebbe17/Jungleman, 44tim44 for the translations.
@all:Translations are still needed, please ask me first perhaps a other person is still working on the same language.
Do not use the Resize function in AdvanceMap 1.90
The function delete your data in the Rom and your data are lost, no possibility to get the data back!
Now the newest Version 1.91 is here. The Resizing Bug is fixed, and some things more.
Description post:
Now the newest Version 1.92 is here. some more bugfixes and some new functions
Description post:
Greetings, LU-HO