Beretta Serial Number
According to Charles Gage: Your Beretta Model 950BS in .25caliber auto. Was manufactured from 1955 onward. The serial numberis not the way you date these firearms. On any Beretta, the yearcode is contained in a simple two letter mark on the frame near thetrigger guard.Starting with AA-1975, AB-76, AC-77, AD-78, AE-79,AF-80, AH-81,AI-82,AL-83,AM-84,AN-85,AO-86,AS-87,AT-88,AU-89,AZ-90,BA-91,BB-92,BC-93,BD-94,BF-95,BH-96,BI-97,BL-98,BM-99,BN-2000,BP-01,BS-02,BT-03,BU-04,BZ-05,CA-06,CB-07.If your gun is older than 1975, these will be represented by RomanNumerals located on the slide or on the frame behind the grip areastarting with XI-1955,XII-56,XIII-57, and so on through XXX-1974.Some times the numerals will be stamped for example; XX8 for 1972instead of XXVIII to shorten the numbering sequence. Theapproximate value for a Model 950 NIB(New In Box)is $200.00. Verynice little guns, but not very high re-sale value.I hope this willanswer your questions and thank you for asking for me. CharlesGage
Age beretta D21770?
Special serial number range 92SB-C: U.C.L.A. Official Weapon - 1984 – Olympic Games - shown with Chief Of Police John Barber’s badge which is inscribed to me on reverse – This is the only of 20 pistols marked to commemorate this event – there is also one PM-12S sub machine gun of 4 used which is marked in the same manner.
Beretta Serial Number Dates
How do you find the age of a beretta 687 el?
Age of beretta 686 bz on barrel?
Could anyone give me info. on value and age on Tipo slobert made Italy p beretta 22 model no 950 b 22 short cal?
No published sn data. 5-150 USD depending on specifics
How old was Noah when his sons were born?
The bible does not tell us the answer , but it tells us he had three sons and Noah lived till he was 950 years of age.
What age did Noah die?
In the Book of Genesis it says he died at the age of 950 years.
What is the age and value of a 12 gauge Italian beretta al2?
what is the value of a Beretta A L2-12 gauge Model#d39063 worth?
Age of berreta 686 serial numbere35751b?
What is the age and value of a Beretta 380 SN 639788?
You will have to call Beretta to find out. Value could be 100-1000 or more depending on specifics
Beretta 92fs Serial Numbers
What is the age and value of a 12 gauge Italian Beretta AL1 shotgun?
The Beretta AL series was made from 1969-1976. Value would be $250-$350.
How long did Noah lived?
Noah died 350 years after the Flood, at the age of 950.
What is value of a Beretta model A2 -12 Ga?
The value of a Beretta actually depends highly upon a number of factors. Some of those include age and condition.
What is age and value of pietro beretta 22 cal?
What is the value of a Beretta Model 92FS?
Beretta mod a 303 value?
Beretta Serial Number Identification
To determine the exact value of a Beretta Mod A 303, a number of different factors would need to be considered. Some of these things would be the age and condition of the shotgun.
What is value of a Beretta 380 pistol?
Does Beretta firearms list serial numbers for age and identification?
They do not publish it for general public consumption.
How do you tell a kittens age?
You can tell a kittens age by the bigger they get the age that you can tell.
Where did Noah die?
Answer Noah died 350 years after the Flood, at the age of 950, after allah punished the non-believers
Does Noah die on 2012?
Noah died according to the bible at the age of 950 years. 2012 has not yet come.
How can you tell the age of a beretta shot gun?
By the serial number and features. Dismantle the gun and on the end of the barrel at the stock end is a small square with two letters in it. Go to and you will be able to use this to find the date of the gun. Look under the 'Italy' column.
How can you tell the age of your dog?
How do you tell the age of a goldfish?
you can tell the age of your common goldfish by looking at the age span where it will show you the age and the size!
How do you tell the age of a hermit crab?
'You can't tell the age of them. But the older they are, the bigger they are.' Depending on their shells and if they have room or not is how you tell. You cannot tell the exact age - you just guess.
How do you tell the age of a galah?
1934 Beretta Serial Numbers
There is no physical way to tell the age of a galah.
Can you tell the age of a moose by there racks?
How do you tell an elephant's age?
How to tell an age of turtle?
You can tell the age of a turtle by looking at its shell.
Where was Noah born?
Noah from the Bible was born in Mesopotamia. According to the Bible, Noah survived for 350 years after the flood and lived to the age of 950.
Do tree rings tell the age of a tree?
How can you tell the age of a coyote?
You can tell the age of the coyote by the size of the teeth on the coyote.
Can the chestnut on a horse tell its age?
Can you tell the age of a raccoon by the rings on his tail?
No you can not tell by the rings on its tail, it is just simply there you can tell the age by the size!
How do you tell the age of your hens?
After 2 years of age it is very difficult to tell how old they are, they hide their age well.

Does spots on lady bug tell age?
How do you tell the age of a canary?
It is virtually impossible to tell a canary's age. That is why they are banded at birth.
What is the age and value of a Beretta Gardone 6.5 cal Bolt Action Rifle serial VE5204?
Can you tell the age of the earth from fossils?
no but you can tell the age of the fossil from the age of the rock around it, you cant tell the age of the earth from fossils is because animals with bones were didnt exist until later in the earth's 'life'
What do you do when your friend lies about her age?
Tell her to quit lying, and tell anyone she is lying to her actual age.
How to tell the age of a snappin turtle?
Unfortunately, the only way to tell the age is to know when it was hatched.
What age was Noah when he died?
Noah (biblical myth) was supposedly 950 years old when he died. This information is found in Genesis chapter 9 verse 29 of the Holy Bible. Accounts of his age are however under scrutiny, and it is suggested that Noah's correct age was 83.
How do you tell a persons age?
The only way to tell a person's age is to ask them. You can get a rough estimate by looking at them.
What age can a parent tell a sibling to move out?
Any age, they could tell you to move out when your are 13 if they want.
How can you tell the age of a book?
You can tell the age of a book by going to the copyright page and seeing the year it says.
What can you tell about a person from their bones?
How can one tell the age of a cat?
A good feline veterinarian can tell the general age of a cat by examining its teeth.
What is the value of a beretta 32 pistol?
Depends on what model you had in mind. It can be anywhere from $50 - $500 or more, dependent on factors including age, condition, model, finish, etc.
What is the age of Noah?
Do you when was the Age of Noah? Well most people feel it is was a retelling of the Babylon myth of Gigamesh (the Tower of Babel could have been another Babylonian myth) and therefore from no period. If it was sure it would predate Joseph which is seen as about 2000 BC. If you mean the age of when he died it was 950.
What does it mean when something like your age is beginning to tell on you?
'Your age is beginning to tell on you' means that the signs of advancing years are becoming apparent. To 'tell on' means to inform on.
How do you tell the age of a beer can?
New Member
the Military adoped the pistol. The serial number is DO1625Z and it has a steel frame and possibly stainless
steel. It has Made in Italy on the right side and has Beretta USA on the left. It's new and not fired. I have searched the internet and found 'The Handgun Forum', but did not find the answer to my question. On some of the older
forums others were having problems with the dates of manufacturing too! I would appreciate any later info on this
model!! Thanks!!