How To Install Ecwolf
Leonaru: I just downloaded the latest Ecwolf version and extracted the files into my Wolfenstein 3D folder, but when I execute ecwolf.exe, it simply starts the game. There's nothing to configure, no menu or anything. After EasyRE scans your computer’s drives, identify and select the drive letter for your Windows installation from the list, and then click on the Automated Repair button to begin. Choose the drive associated with the Windows installation you’re trying to repair.

FULL GAME DATA IS NOT INCLUDED! Please read the description (No really, please read it :-)
This an UNOFFICIAL Source port of the Wolfenstein 3D engine by Beloko Games
This version does NOT contain the full Wolfenstein 3D game data!
To play the full version, you need to have the Wolfenstein 3D game files and copy them to your Android device.
Wolfenstein 3D is available to buy from Steam:
Wolf Pack:
Please contact support if you're unclear as to the meaning of this.
Play Original Wolf 3D and Spear Of Destiny. Featuring the Beloko Touch control system allowing the best experience in FPS gaming on Andoird.
This a port Port of the awesome ECWolf by Blzut3, all credit him for creating ECWolf and helping with development.
To change gamepad axis sensitivity, long press on the axis on the Gamepad tab.
Please contact support if you are experiencing ANY difficulties. Thank you.
If the menu and graphics are corrupted, you may have an old version of the Wolfenstein files.
See here to patch:
'Wolfenstein 3D' is a registered trademark of id Software. All trademarks are used under the terms of Fair Use. Screen shot's are for demonstration purposes only. I am in no way connected with id Software.
How To Install Ecwolf Download
Tags: ecwolf wolfenstein 3d iwad , wolfenstein 3d touch ecwolf witch files do i need to play , ecwolf アンドロイド