Install Pug
Nodejsera, pugjs tutorial series, pug tutorial, In this part of the pug tutorial series we will learn about getting started with pug. We will learn how to install pug, prerequisites for installing pug, how to install pug and pug-cli, options provided by pug-cli, simple example of a pug code snippet, prerequisites to install pug, pug, jade. Pug is available in your Web browser’s console! To test drive Pug’s API, as documented on this page, try entering: pug. Render ('p Hello world!' Pug: Pug is available to install via npm using the following command: >npm install pug -g here -g just signifies the global installation of pug npm package.
I dont know what else to look for in the error so if you need me to upload a picture or something let me know! Im stuck until this finishes. I may just try to proceed without pug html
Treehouseflashcards>npm install pug@latest[..................] / rollbackFailedOptional: verb npm-session 7dd47422f21c782b

That's what my command prompt returns and it just freezes there,...
Now its trying
Install Pug Issue
[..................] fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule pug@2.0.3 checking installable status
npm install pug@latestnpm WARN registry Using stale package data from due to a request error during revalidation.[..................] / fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule pug-code-gen@2.0.1 checking installable status
I hit enter and that happened. Still frozen though
I see the error on line 21 but Im not sure what to do with that info =/
Got it I think, it shows up now but we'll see if it works, thanks.
Install Pug G
Please show your code.
Install Pug Express
Wrap your code with 3 backticks (```) on the line before and after. If you specify the language after the first set of backticks, that'll help us with syntax highlighting.
Install Pug Instead Of Jade
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