Kimball Piano Serial Number Lookup
'It was a genuine pleasure to deal with Dan Murphy and his people! I can truthfully say that I find it very difficult to pull myself away from this glorious instrument.' A Kimball serial number will most likely be a six-digit number, with the exception of models produced in 1900, which feature the five-digit number 71000. Open the lid of the piano and look toward the left of center of the tuning pins. Enter your search keyword. Save kimball piano serial number to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. + Items in search results. 1922 Vintage Kimball Baby Grand Piano Serial# 343615 PICK UP ONLY. Free local pickup. Or Best Offer. Kimball Baby Grand Piano.
Generally, you will find about a 6 digit number stampedsomewhere inside of the piano on the plate. This is the gold partof the piano called the harp. On some Kimball brands, they placed aname plate on the inside SIDE of the piano with the serial numberlocated on that. A piano technician can look up the age but, weneed the serial number to do so.
What is the age of a kimball piano serial number 36415?
The age of a Kimball piano with the serial number 36415 is 119 years old. The serial number indicates it was manufactured in 1895.
Where do you find the serial number on a Kimball piano?
What is value of Kimball upright player piano serial number 208317?
This is a kimball player piano. Added by: (person with question)
What is the age of a Kimball piano serial number 387569?
According to the serial number provided, this piano was built in approximately, 1931 - 1932.
What is the age and value of Kimball console piano with model 404P and serial number T45646?
What is the age of a Kimball piano serial number 680290?
A Kimball piano with a serial number 680290 would have been made in 1966. That year, the company started with serial 678500 and ended with 700100, which marked the start of the 1967 production year.
What is the age of a Kimball piano serial number 754764?
When was the production of a Kimball piano with the serial number of 688836?
How old is a Kimball piano serial number T93399?
What is the age of a Kimball piano serial number 982829?
Your Kimball piano was manufactured in 1975. The Kimball Piano Company was established in 1857 by William Wallace Kimball in Chicago Ill. by 1975, the Kimball Piano Company was owned by the Jasper corp. who had two factories in West Baden, IN and French Lick, IN.
How old is a Kimball piano serial number 56399?
A 5-digit serial number on a WW Kimball piano indicates a failry early model. As far as we know, Kimball pianos produced in 1900 started at serial 71000, so this would have been built BEFORE then, but sometime after the company's inception in 1893.
What is the value of a Kimball Console piano serial number 563850?
Your question does not have a date so I am unsure as to how long ago you asked it. But I also am trying to determine the value of a Kimball piano with serial number D29936. Do you have any sugtgestions? Di
How do you find the age of a Kimball piano with a serial number A15054?
What is the age of a W W Kimball Piano with serial no 372486?
It was manufactured in 1928, serial number 372100.
Where is the serial number on a kimball grand piano?
Kimball Upright Piano
From Kimball pianos sometimes have the serial number in a hard-to-find place stamped on the back edge of the keybed.
Kimball grand piano serial number 163884 is how old?
Well that depends if you know how old the piano is...................... theres your answer!
What year was a Kimball Upright serial number 187694 made?
What is the age of Kimball piano serial number 67809?
How do you find the age of a Kimball Piano the serial number is 319418?
What is the age of a Kimball piano with serial?
How old is a Kimball piano with serial number 432525?
Kimball started 1934 production with serial number 432000 and reached 442000 at the start of 1934. A serial number 432525 would suggest that this was one of the first 1000 pianos produced in 1934.

How do you find the age of your kimball piano with serial number 25687?
According to this number, it looks like it was built in 1892.
Kimball piano serial number 404385 is how old?
According to the BLUEBOOK OF PIANOS website, that number ran in 1934.
What is the age of piano 41790 kimball baby grand?
If you have not made a typographical error in the serial number, the piano was made before 1900.
How old is Kimball Piano with serial number 25944?
A Kimball piano with serial 25944 would have been sometime in 1893. That makes it a very early instrument, as Kimball had only started manufacturing its own pianos 5 years earlier in 1888. Prior to this, pianos with the Kimball name had actually been made by other companies.
How do you find the age of your Kimball Piano the serial number is 443310?
Sometime between 1937 and 1947. Kimball pianos made in those years have serial numbers between 422000 and 488000 (see
How do you find the age of your Kimball the serial number is 704736?
Discovering the piano's serial number is the first step to decoding its age. Fortunately, Kimball is one of the historically most popular piano makers, and so the company's serial numbers have been well documented over the years. One reliable source that provides date/serial charts by brand is the Piano Bluebook (link below). Looking up Kimball with your serial number here indicates the piano was built sometime in 1967, during which year pianos with serials 700100…
What is the age of a Kimball piano serial number 203154?
According to the Blue Book of Pianos, Kimball used serial numbers 140000 - 211000 from 1905 to 1910. That in mind, it's likely a piano with serial number 203154 would have been produced in the middle to later half of that 5-year period, about 1907 - 1909.
What is the value of a Kimball upright piano carved panels serial number 136310?
What is the age a W W Kimball Co piano with serial no 273144?
A WW Kimball Co. piano with serial number 273144 would have been made sometime in 1914. This year, the company began producing at serial 267800, with 279800 marking the beginning of the 1915 production year.
What is the age of a Kimball piano serial?
What is the age of a Kimball piano with serial no 325306?
Where can you find the serial number on an old upright kimball piano?
Check out this website, it gives you diagrams, and information on how to find the serial numbers on your piano. Good luck!
What is the value of a 1972 kimball console piano serial number 869807?
The value of a 1972 Kimball console piano would actually be dependent upon a couple things. The most important of these things would be the condition.
What is the age of a Kimball piano with serial number 566066?
Call any music store for the answer. According to The Blue Book of Pianos the serial number 566066 was manufactured in the year 1955.
What is the age of a Kimball piano with serial no T21174?
What is the date of a w w kimball co piano with the serial no 379090?
What is the age and appx original price of a Kimball piano serial number 621150?
What is the age of your Kimball Whitney Chicago Upright Piano 57583?
Double-check the serial number-I don't think that any Kimball Whitney pianos were ever made with five-digit serial numbers; they all have at least six digits in the serial number. With that said, I'd guess yours is from the late 1950s.
How old is your Kimball piano 424287?
Kimball started producing pianos in the 420000s in 1937. By 1938, the company had reached number 426000. With that in mind, it's most likely that your piano with serial 424287 would have been built sometime in early to mid-1937.
What is the value of Kimball upright player piano serial number 192143 in good condition?
I would recommend a value of approximately $200-$400.
What is the value of a baby grand piano WW Kimball Company serial number 123282?

It is Black, immaculate exterior condition, Needs tuning.
How old is your Kimball piano 197333?
According to my Pierce piano atlas 12th edition on page 202, serial number 197333 was made in the middle of September, 1908. Les
How old is mi piano kimball serial B87215 model number 5100?
nobody can tell you that there would of been heeps of them made in different years
How old is a Kimball piano serial number 28527?
Kimball Baby Grand Value

In 1890, Kimball was still using 4-digit serial numbers (starting with 3200). By 1895, however, the company had jumped to 35000. Considering this, a model with serial number 28527 would have been built at some point during this fiver year time frame, most likey in 1893-94.
What year was the kimball piano serial number 517523 made?
1950- this is a guess based on the blue book of pianos website- I'm assuming the serial number they give is starter for the year and the numbers rise with each new piano 1950- this is a guess based on the blue book of pianos website- I'm assuming the serial number they give is starter for the year and the numbers rise with each new piano
What is the value of 1903 Kimball baby grand piano serial number 120880?
400-600 us dollars. very common, various outsourced manufactures.
What is the age of a WW Kimball Co Piano serial number 16303?
Kimball stopped manufacturing pianos in 1996 after nearly 140 years. The company continues as a furniture manufacturer, so you could try contacting them with your query.
How old in your Kimball Piano 733088?
How old is Kimball serial number 512559?
According to my Pierce piano atlas, 12th edition, page 202, it tells me that your piano was made in 1949. I will list two years and the first serial number made in that year. 1949-------510000 1950-------517000 So that tells us that Kimball made 7000 pianos in 1949 or an average of about 583 each month. Assuming that is true, serial number 512559 was made about the first couple of weeks in April of 1949. Les…