Marlin 39a Serial Numbers Dates

You can date them by the letter prefix on guns made before 1969.From 1969-72 the first two digits were the year of mfg. From 1973on the first two digits subtracted from 2000 will tell you whatyear it was made. Letter codes are: B-1939-41 c-46 d-47 e-48 f-49g-50 h-51 j-52 k-53 l-54 m-55 n-56 p-57 r-57-58-59 t-60 u-61 v-62w-63 y&z-64 AA-65 AB-66 AC-67 AD-68

Marlin serial number 27011137 belongs to what rifle?


This is an old marlin 39a. The serial number dates it to around 1956. I refinished the wood and did a few other minor things to it. Seemed to turn out pretty good. Sep 29, 2014  Firearm serial numbers were date coded by a prefix within the s/n, as signified below. For example a Marlin model 39A with a serial number of N1255X would have been made in 1955 while a 1894 in 44 magnum with a serial number of 2510509X, would have equated to 1975.

What year is this Marlin rifle serial number 27011137?

What is the age and serial number breakdown of a marlin 25mn?

I am trying to find out the age of a marlin 25 mn, yet i cannot seem to find a breakdown for the serial number. Can you help?

Where do you find the serial number on a Marlin 30AW?

How do you find the date of manufacture by serial number on marlin rifles model 882ss?

Contact marlin customer service through their website.

Where can you find the serial number on a marlin model 60 G?

What year was marlin model 39a made?

No way of knowing without you providing a serial number to find the year of production of your Marlin model 39A.

Where would you find the serial number on a Marlin Golden 39a Mountie?

The serial number should be on the lower tang, under the lever. Open the lever and look where it meets the tang.

How can you find the date on your marlin rifle model 30as 30cal winchester?


The Wikipedia site for marlin 336 rifles includes a table showing how to use the serial number to find date of manufacture.

How do you find the serial number on a marlin model 57 22 cal rifle?

Serial numbers were not required before 1968. Try looking on the receiver.

Where to find serial number on Marlin Model 99M1?

Left side under the rear site. That's where it is on my 99M1.

How old is a marlin 30-30 model 1893 serial number 374834?

The last Marlin I can find records for is serial # 355300 which was made in 1906 so I'm guessing yours was made around 1910 or so.

How do you find the year of a model 100 marlin 22 bolt action rifle?

By also providing the serial number in your question.

How do you find serial number on marlin model 57 22 cal?

they didn't have a serial number.they were made in 1959-1965. that was before the control law of 1968 was pass.

How to find the date of manufacture for a marlin golden 39a?

you need to find the serial number, then do a web. search for the gun maker, or others who have done the homework for you.

How can you find out how old a marlin 22 model 70 is?

The Marlin model 70P (Papoose) was made from 1986-1994.With out a serial number it would not be possible to say the exact year of production.

Marlin 18 first patd is 188918901892 1904 can't find serial should it be behind the trigger?

Almost, the stock has to be removed to locate the serial number. With the stock removed, hold the rifle so that you can read '+ Marlin No. 18 +' behind the hammer, then tilt the rifle 90 degrees and the serial number should be on the upper tang.

What is the age marlin rifle N20423?

1980.The letter N prefix to your serial number indicates that your Marlin rifle was made in the year 1956.In order to be made in the year 1980,there will be no prefix letter attached ahead of the serial number.Also there would be a longer serial number than 5 digits.I hope that you find this info of interest.

Where to find serial number on a marlin 22 cal long-rifle model 88?

Where is the serial number on a marlin model 80 22 rifle?

Yopu wont find a serial number anywhere, because these guns were made before the 1968 Gun Control Act which required .22 rimfire rifles to have a serial number. Prior to that many .22's didn't have serial numbers, although some makers did for their own use. Marlin only did so on lever and pump action .22's.

Where could you find information about Marlin old 12Gage Pump shotguns model 10-s serial number A11908 Paton 1906?

How can you find the age or year of manufacture for 45-70 Marlin model1895 rifles?

Marlin 39a Serial Numbers Dates

This can be accomplished by providing the serial number to your Marlin model 1895 lever action 45-70 chambered rifle.

How do you find the age of a gun using the serial number?

Where can you find the serial number on your marlin 336 cs 30-30 its not on either side of the barrel?

Most serial numbers on lever action guns are founr under the lever. I would check there. On all firearms manufactured in the US after 1968, a unique (for the model) identifying serial number must be on the receiver. You will not find a serial number on the barrel. Marlin serializes Model 336 rifles on the upper tang behind the hammer. Early Marlin rifles were serialized on the lower tang behind the trigger before 1968, but…

What year was a Marlin rifle with serial number 25197 made?

I have the same number on my 336-RC 35 REM, so I'm thinking that it is not the serial number. That number was stamped on the left side of the rifle just above the trigger. I have not been able to find any other numbers that look like a serial number.

How can you find age of bike by using serial number?

How can you find the date of manufacture for a Glenfield Marlin model 30 if you have the serial number?

By the serial number letter prefix. The Model 30 was introduced in 1964. A Y or Z prefix is for 1964. AA in 1965, AB in 66, etc.

How can you find out how old a model 781 Marlin 22 rifle is?

This rifle was made from 1971-1988.In order to find the year of manufacture you would need to post the serial number.

How do you find lost ipad 2 with using serial number?

You can't find it using the serial number, unless you use it to identify it in found items. Find My iPad and iPhone apps will show you on a map where the iPad is if it turned on and has not yet been wiped.

How can you find out what year a Crestliner boat was manufactured using the model and or serial number?

With serial number 703110 and model number 20670 can u tell me what I have for a boat??

Where do you find the serial number on a mdl 39 a 410?

We need the make of the shotgun. The most common 39A is not a .410, but a lever action Marlin .22 rifle. Not all shotguns or rifles HAVE a serial number- they were not required by law until 1968.

Marlin 1894 serial number date

How can you find out what year a yamaha motor is using the serial number?

You were wondering if anyone could tell you about how old your marlin 336 RC 32 special caliber rifle is?

The first letter in your serial number is the key to finding it's age. You can google marlin dates and find a chart with the years.

When was the marlin glenfield model 75 first manfactured?

If you subtract the first 2 numbers of your serial number from 2000,you should be able to get the year of manufacture.I can say that the model 70HC was made from 1989-1995.But I can find no serial number data on the model 75C.

Where can you find pictures of a 30-30 Marlin 336rc serial p9xxx?

If you want a picture of a gun with a particular serial number, you will have to find out who owns it and take a picture of it. If you just want a generic picture of the model, search the online firearms auction sites.

How do you find what model a Smith and Wesson is using the serial number?

What is the value of A Glenfield model 30GT by Marlin firearms Serial 20083432 Excellant condition?

Marlin Firearms

I found the value of a Marlin/Glenfield (similar serial) to be at about $2,700. I'm looking too, but that's the price I was able to find.

What is the age of a 22 WMR Marlin 782 micro-groove barrel serial 22755171?

1978 is the exact year. To find the year of manufacture subtract the first two digits from 100, that will give you the year. Hence, 100 - 22 = 78, so that rifle was manufactured in 1978. Marlin is still using this system currently so firearms made this year 2009, will start with the serial number 91, 100 - 09 = 91.

You cant find numbers on your marlin 22 rifle?

Where do you find the number to tell the age of rifle?

No one number- sorry. In SOME cases, the age can be determined from a serial number- IF the gun has a serial number- but they were not required on rifles until 1968. In the case of Marlin rifles, it may be a single letter prefix to the serial number. In the case of Remington rifles, it may be a 2 or 3 letter code stamped on the left side of the barrel where it joins…

Marlin 39a Serial Identification

What cal. is a Marlin serial 44770?

Marlin 1894 Serial Number Date

Look on the barrel. It should be marked. If you can't read it, take it to a gunsmith for a chamber cast. Generally, you can't tell the caliber form the serial number. If you had provided more of a description (bolt, pump, lever) maybe someone would be able to find it in the book written by Brophy on Marlin.

Where can you find the year a pistol was make using the serial number?

Depends on the make: Colt,Remington,etc. TRY furnishing the makers name, the model, caliber and serial number and you MAY just find out when it was made...........................

How do you replace a bad ECU if you can't find any serial numbers on the original one?

Any auto parts store should be able to locate one by using the application. The new/reconditioned ECU may have to be 'flashed' to match your vehicle before you install it. The auto parts store will help you with this.

Can you find the model of a gun using the serial number?

It is a tedious and time consuming process, but, it can be done.

What is the year and value of a Marlin Model 93 serial number 1144 3030?

The way to find the year on Marlin rifles manufactured after 1972 is to take the first two digits and subtract them from 100. 100-11=89 so your rifle was made in 1989.

Where to find out the make of a firearm using its serial number?

Not possible. There is more than one gun with the same serial number, some guns were made with NO serial numbers, and data does not exist to translate SN to make/model.

Where can you find information about a 30-30 Marlin safety Model 1936 serial 792 with The Marlin Firearms Corp and Special Smokeless Steel stamped on the barrel?

Marlin Firearms is still in business. Check with them.(

How can you find the manufacture date of a Winchester model 101 using the serial number?

You should be able to contact Winchester and see if you may find the year of production by serial number thru there archives.If not I do have the manufacture dates of the first 250,000 made.You will need to have your serial number available to research the date of manufacture.

How do I find out a gun's background by using the serial number?

See if a book has been published on the company that made it

How can you find the serial number of an Iphone which won't switch on?

03-21-2014, 04:46 PM
Beartooth Regular
Posts: 3,268
When a Model 39a has a 'B' Sn prefix, it was made 1940-41, before production halted during WWII.
When the 1st two numbers of a Marlin SN is '00', '99', '98', etc - subtract the 2-digit number from 2100 to get the DOM year.
ie: 2100-99=2001.
snaphead: Don't presume your rifle is a Model 39a - If your rifle has/had a CCH receiver and/or an octagon bbl, it could be an earlier Model 39 (made from 1922 - 1939), and not a later Model 39a (which were so marked on the bbl).
With the 1897 patent date, it can also be a Model 97 (aka: Model 1897) - if so, it would have been made in the very early 1900's, since SN 400,000 came in about 1908-09.
They all look alike, to someone not very familiar with Marlin RF leverguns.
Unless the 'peep hole sight' is a tang peep sight that the tangs were prepped for (D/T), then it has lost much of it's collector's value due to the aftermarket D/T for the sight. (receiver peep sight prep didn't start until the early 1950's IIRC.